Data 2023.02.24

Green energy at BHM!

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Green energy at BHM!

The generation of energy from renewable sources is becoming more and more popular all over the world. Due to the increasing energy prices, a good solution for BHM was to use photovoltaics to supply green energy during the day. The goal of our photovoltaic installations was to reduce the cost of electricity input needed for our manufacturing and business processes, but not only… Investments in the production of energy from green sources directly affect the perception of a business by its customers and positively affect the prestige of the company. BHM, as a constantly developing enterprise, works to protect the environment.

Being fully aware of the necessity of sustainable development, we willingly undertake activities in the field of ecology. We know that these investments, as supported by data and analysis, allow for an effective multiplication of capital and provide the company with a stable solution. The possibility of obtaining green energy generates savings for companies that heed the call, as in the long term it means one thing – the possibility of investing funds saved on renewable energy in other, strategic activities of the company. In this context, BHM's investment in photovoltaics is a solution that not only brings savings, but also promotes the perception of the brand as conscious and ecologically responsible.

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