Data 2023.10.26

What an evening it was...!

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What an evening it was...!

Company integration events are already our annual tradition. Every year we make every effort to ensure that our team can get to know each other even better and take a break from everyday duties, at least for a moment. This is the time and space where we can celebrate both small and big successes.

A unique element of this year's event was the competition for the best coat of arms of the company's department. Our production hall has turned into a real art gallery. We are very impressed with how much work and commitment our employees put into creating them. Congratulations to the winners!

The main attraction of the evening was the concert of The Poor Boyz Club, which came to us straight from Berlin! Live music from the 1960s to today's rock hits made everyone dance!

The Great Contest of the Nowy Tydzień Newspaper has been decided!
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